Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hraia festival of ancient theatre

Some photographs i took during the Hraia festival, August 18, on the open air stage at the port of Pythagorion. Photos taken with Nikon D700 and ISO 2000
Clik the images to enlarge!

Ein paar Bilder die ich vom Hraia Fest gemacht habe, am 18. August auf der Freilichtbuehne am Hafen von Pythagorion. Aufgeommen mit Nikon D700 und ISO 2000. Bilder anklicken zum Vergroessern!

Friday, August 14, 2009


It is almost like a tradition, in front of many houses you find this so called "Michanaki". Often, when i like to go for a coffee with my friends, they tell me: "lets go with the Michanaki". It is easier, no parking problems, just dropp it around the corner. Most of these little bikes have a 50ccm engine. Many of them are highly tuned and have nothing common anymore with a 50ccm bike. The german traffic police would have their personal pleasure here at Samos ;-)
These 2 samples i found during a walk at the afternoon at my neighbourhood in Hora.
Ok, i admit it, also my "Michanaki" supposed to be 50ccm, but its running nearly 90 speed ... please don`t tell it to nobody... ;-)

Es ist schon fast wie eine Tradition, vor vielen Haeusern findet man das sogenannte "Michanaki". Oftmals, wenn ich mit Freunden einen Kaffee trinken gehen will, bekomme ich zu hoeren: "Lass uns mit dem "Michanaki" fahren." Es ist eben einfacher, keine Parkplatzsuche, man stellt es einfach an der Ecke ab. Die meisten dieser kleinen Mopeds haben 50ccm. Viele sind heftig aufgemotzt und haben eigentlich nix mehr gemein mit einem 50ccm Moped. Die deutsche Verkehrspolizei haette hier auf Samos Ihre wahre Freude ;-)
Diese beiden Exemplare habe ich waehred einem Spaziergang am Nachmittag in Hora in meiner Nachbarschaft entdeckt.
Na gut, ich geb`s ja zu, meine Rennsemmel sollte auch eine 50ccm sein und laeuft fast 90 sachen... aber bitte nicht weitersagen... ;-)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jumping Trees

For our english readers:
Did you ever had this impression, a tree jumped on the road, out of a sudden, straight in front of your car?? On Samos island this could realy happen to you. As you can see i photographed one of this jumping trees in action. This tree used to stay beside the road. Suddenly it jumped out of the bushes and stays on the road now.... phenomenal... ;-)
Click the images to enlarge.

Fuer unsere deutschen Leser:
Ist euch das auch schon passiert: Ihr koenntet steif und fest schwoeren dieser Baum ist euch eben direkt vors Auto gesprungen, kam direkt aus den Hecken, ohne Vorwarnung...
Sowas kann euch auf Samos tatsaechlich passieren. Wie Ihr auf den Bildern sehen koennt, habe ich so einen Sprungbaum direkt in Aktion erwischt. Frueher stand dieser Baum einmal neben der Strasse, heute steht er mitten drauf... ein wahres Phaenomen... ;-)
Auf die Bilder klicken um sie groesser zu sehen.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Samos is "Special"

2 days ago, i have been at the port of Pythagorion for a drink. After a long "nihgt" :-) i decided to have a cheese pie before getting a Taxi back home. In the shop around the corner, their had Ham&Cheese pie "Special". I`ve got one of those... it was nice and tasty, with Ham and Cheese inside... but what was it about the special?? So, i asked the shop owner, whats the special on this cheese pie? The owner replied: "The word special is special." I was a little bit confused that moment and than the owner starts laughing, and explained to me: "If i name it special, it sells better."
Well, thats realy special... Hahaha

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I`ve done it

I just did it yesterday... A new Nikon D700 is going to find its way to Samos island. I was waiting for the new announcements of Nikon, the rumors about a D400 made me curious. But after i have seen what they announced, an exciting "S" on the D300s and a D3000, i decided its better to go for a D700. Let see if it is worth the money i am going to spend.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Renault 12 TL

Its been many years, i haven`t seen this Renault on the streets anymore. My father use to laugh about our neighbours old and rusty 12 Tl... that`s been 25 years ago....Haha.

Renault 12 TL, seen at Ambelos village, Samos island.

"Oriendal Nihgt"

Seen at Kokkari.... maybe the client was willing to pay for the layout, but not for the corrections??